Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Martha Stewart Book Signing - December 8, 2010

Today was Martha Stewart's book signing at Williams Sonoma in Summerlin (Las Vegas, NV). I had to move heaven and earth to get there. I had to take my 3 year old son with me...no babysitter.

We did...and it was so worth it. She was beautiful, lovely and gracious in every way.

I didn't want to wait in the autograph line because I have her autograph and autographed picture. I just wanted to snap some photos. And snap I did.

At first, I was so overcome that I couldn't even use my camera! I turned my camera on and off three times. I thought I was hitting the button to take the picture. Then, I took several more pictures on the wrong setting with no flash. Oh my heavens! My hands were so shaky that I couldn't even focus on my job at hand.

Why was I so inept and overcome? I didn't feel starstruck. I felt so much overwhelming gratitude because she has taught me so much for over 20 years.

Martha has been a mentor and guide to me about the art of homemaking my whole adult life. She has made homemaking "in style" and creativity a talent to be proud of.

I was mentally prepared to see Martha as snooty and cold to her guests. I have been to other book signings and it can be par for the course. But, Martha was nothing like that. She was genuinely interested in people and it showed in her interaction with them. And, I had seen her after signing 300 books! That is the way that you build an empire...customer service!

She was organized and orderly, too. All of the things that she portrays on TV is Martha Stewart and there was a relief about that for me.

Drew was a sport to stay relatively still for 20 minutes. Believe me, there were no other 3 year old boys standing around to see Martha sign books. (See Martha's hand signing in the background?)

This wall is in my office at home. I want to always be reminded about the joy of homemaking. I don't feel that joy most days about my domestic and family tasks, but Martha's influence reminds me that it can be fun and rewarding if I put my best effort into it.

Thank you, Martha! You have influenced the direction of my life in a huge way!

Click here to read all about the book signing and see pictures on Martha's blog: Book Signing in Las Vegas, NV

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